Processing bfd3 drums
Processing bfd3 drums


One of the best things about Alloy 2 that I like is you can accomplish from within the plug-in a lot of the complex routing that you’d normally have to do with separate aux tracks and things like that, parallel processing and all this stuff that you’d normally have to do with Pro Tools on separate tracks, but you can do it right off the bat inside of Alloy 2, and I’m going to demonstrate some of those things. Next, I’ll insert the plug-in, Alloy 2, and we’re all ready to start mixing. Great, and I’m going to send all these tracks over to it. I’m going to go ahead and create my stereo aux track as my drum buss right here. You might just normally think and want to use it on the individual tracks, but it’s also great as a buss processor, again because it has almost any kind of these processing modules that you’d ever want to use on your drum buss. Again, I want to show you that Alloy 2 is another great plug-in to use here. In this video, I’m going to move on and talk about buss processing in your drum mix. Hopefully, I was able to demonstrate that this plug-in, Alloy 2, is a one stop shop, all inclusive plug-in that can accomplish almost any kind of processing that you’d ever want to do on the individual tracks. Then I showed you some techniques that I like to use for processing these tracks using Alloy 2.

processing bfd3 drums

Then, you can mix these audio tracks just like you would with any other regular multi-track drum recording. Up to this point in the videos, I’ve showed you how you can start out with your drum performance in BFD3 and print those samples onto separate audio tracks inside of Pro Tools.

processing bfd3 drums processing bfd3 drums

This is my third and final video in a series on creating a drum mix using FXpansion’s BFD3 and iZotope’s Alloy 2.

Processing bfd3 drums